Friday, October 18, 2013

Myth busting: Deniers and the phrase 'Climate Change'.

"Lefties have had to change the name from Global Warming, to Climate Change since it hasn't warmed since 1998. Why would they do that if they weren't up to no good?". Such claims we hear the deniers cry. As with the fact that warming has not actually stopped (but rather slowed) this statement is simply untrue. Leaving aside the obvious fact that the very organization that the ignorant constantly criticize is called the IPCC (CC=Climate CHANGE!) and was founded in 1988 (That's ten years before the supposed halt to warming), there are many other references to the actual phrase, or near enough, "Climate Change" that long predate the term global warming. When Climate Change is used in the 1950's, it is usually in terms of warming.

There simply has been no great change in the interchangeable usage of both the terms "Global Warming" and "Climate Change". Deniers who use this argument are one of: stupid, ignorant or liars.

These are the references I found in an hour with my friend Google:

 1916 Hartford Courant "FOSSIL ROCKS IN CANADA STUDIED: Remains of Earliest Animal Life Found SCIENTISTS SPEND MONTHS IN NORTH Measurement of Ice Flow Shows Climate Change."

1937 Miami News 1937,d.aWc&cad=rja

1939 Christian Science Monitor "World Climate Getting Warmer, and it's not the humidity. Although not a part of the climate change evidence, the world s coldest and hottest figures may be involved in the change.",%201939&author=&pub=Christian%20Science%20Monitor&edition=&startpage=&desc=World%20Climate%20Getting%20Warmer%20--And%20It%27s%20Not%20the%20Humidity

1952 Los Angeles times (Archive) "Weather Expert Finds Little Climate Change"

1953 Advert in the Spokesman Review,3695705&dq=climate-change

Dec 2, 1955 The Hartford Courant "Climate Change Seen As Hurricane Cause"

1956 "The Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climatic Change" GILBERT N. PLASS (The Johns Hopkins University)

1956 New York Times "Pines 4,000 Years Old Found in California; Oldest Things Alive, Experts Say After Count of Rings 4,000-YEAR TREES GROWING IN WEST Response To Climate Change Dry and wet Alternation"

1958 Education documentary "Unchained Goddess" refers to climate change.

1958 New York times "Science In Review: Antarctica, preserved for research" refers to the phrase "climate Change"

1961 Geography "LAMB, HH. "Atmospheric Circulation, Climate and Climatic Variations." 46.3 (1961): 208-222.

1962 New York Times "Science Notes: Powerful Scope; ION Microscope - Climate Study.  In an effort to ferret Out clues to the nature and causes of climate change, "

1971 Geological Society of America Bulletin 82.10 (1971): 2741-2754. Kent, Dennis, N. D OPDYKE, and Maurice Ewing. "Climate change in the North Pacific using ice-rafted detritus as a climatic indicator."

1972 Palm Beach Post "Greenland Ice Study" contains the phrase Climate Change,d.aWc&cad=rja

1975 Science article by geochemist Wallace Broecker of Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory: "Climatic Change: Are We on the Brink of a Pronounced Global Warming?"

1976 Gadsden times "climate Change worries Soviets",bs.1,d.aWc&cad=rja

1977 The Journal "Climatic Change" established.

1977 Deseret News,d.aWc&cad=rja

1977 Deseret News "Great Lakes to Shrink Says botanist",bs.1,d.aWc&cad=rja

1978 "Scientists: Earth may be a desert by the year 2025" uses the phrase "climate change",6834609%26dq%3Dclimate-change%26hl%3Den&rct=j&sa=X&ei=Z5NhUs_7L-jhyQHTtYCoCw&ved=0CD4Q-AsoADAGOEY&q=climate-change&usg=AFQjCNFynH6Vu2CtazKmQGsHSB2nekoErw&cad=rja

1979 Gadsden Times "Scientists Warn of Drastic Climate Change".,d.aWc&cad=rja

1979 New York Times "worldwide Errort is proposed to Study climtae and its impact" Contains the phrase "climate Change"

1980 Bangor Daily News,d.aWc&cad=rja

1980 Journal of Atmospheric Sciences " On the Distribution of Climate Change Resulting from an Increase in CO2 Content of the Atmosphere."

1980 Science "Detecting Climate Change due to Increasing Carbon Dioxide"

1981 "Climate change and society: consequences of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide" Barnes & Noble.

1984 Technical Report: "Response of unmanaged forests to CO2-induced climate change: available information, initial tests and data requirements" Solomon, Allen M., et al. Response of unmanaged forests to CO2-induced climate change: Available information, initial tests and data requirements. No. N-85-21817; TR-009. Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA), 1984.

1985 Journal of Geophysical Research "Trace gas trends and their potential role in climate change"

1987 Journal 'Climate' "Testing for Climate Change: An Application of the Two-Phase Regression Model"

1988 23 June  U.S. Senate, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, "Greenhouse Effect and Global Climate Change" 100th Cong., 1st sess.,

1988 - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

1988 - Boston Globe "WORLD FOOD SUPPLY IN PERIL, GROUP WARNS" contains "climate change",%201988&author=Dianne%20Dumanoski,%20Globe%20Staff&pub=Boston%20Globe%20%28pre-1997%20Fulltext%29&edition=&startpage=&desc=WORLD%20FOOD%20SUPPLY%20IN%20PERIL,%20GROUP%20WARNS

1988 Nature "Response of Northern forests to CO2 induced climate change. Vol 334

1995 - Influence of plants on climate probably more dramatic than previously thought" Mentions the phrase.,d.aWc&cad=rja

1997 Time Magazine "Climate Change Summit - turning down the heat",9171,987564,00.html

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